

  • 2019 Fall online注册:7月23日~8月27日
  • 2020 Winter online注册:11月28日~12月12日
  • 2020 Summer online注册:4月2日~4月16日

The Enrolment Checklist must be completed in order to be enrolled:

  1. Confirm that your record shows the correct citizenship and program of study.
  1. Be enrolled in either an academically accredited course OR a placeholder course in all three terms in the academic year.
详细请点击 选课
  1. Incoming students only must enrol in SGS 101 and 201.
详细请点击 选课
  1. For conditional offers, the required documents must be sent to your department prior to September 30th.
清condition。大家可以在自己的mosaic里看到自己需要提交哪些材料。对于大多数同学来说,需要把最终成绩单、毕业证明、学位证明交到本学院小秘办公室。也可以查看 conditional offer
  1. Incoming students only upload your photo for your ID card.
  1. Visa students must present their Study Permits to the School of Graduate Studies.
study permit交到Gilmour Hall 212,学校会复印一份。提交材料大概需要过几天才会反映在mosaic上(Student Center中的”Holds”和”To Do List”的相关条目就会被清空)。

Please find detailed enrolment instructions at: gs.mcmaster.ca/academic-services/how-enroll (site will be active from July 22, 2016 onwards).

  1. 在注册开始会出现一个“Voluntary First Nations”的问卷页面,大家随意选,不影响后面任何注册流程。
  2. 上面6项,必须要都完成才算注册完毕。其中1、2、3、5可以在网上完成,4、6只能来McMaster之后完成。